Presentation of actions

International Association of Treasury Services nowadays organises 2  types of actions: 

  • An annual symposium, continued with the general assembly;
  • A thematic seminar.

Annual symposium

The symposium is the moment of the year when member administrations heads meet, with representatives of many international organisations, academics or experts in public finances.

Throughout one day and a half, participants think, exchange, debate about selected theme(s). In order to foster reflection, debates are preceded with round tables and presentations, in which take part AIST members and external experts (international organisations, academics…).

  At the end of symposium, a synthesis document is published, thus providing a list of recommandations presented at the end of tasks.

Thematic seminar

The shape of these events is different from symposium’s. Indeed, seminars alternate plenary sessions and workshop tasks, about a precise theme selected by general assembly, suggested by Executive Board.

Reserved to members, it adresses to senior executives and their collaborators.


Association Internationale des Services du Trésor
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